Kratom Plant Herb Really Work For Pain Relief and Opium Withdrawal?


A plant herb called Kratom, a south-east Asian plant has been used for centuries for pain relief and is used for easing withdrawals from opium.

Could this simple herb be the saving grace to our opium and heroin epidemic we face today?

It’s helping people get off opium and heroin but why is it banned in 6 states and the DEA considers it a drug of CONCERN? But yet, we are dealing with a horrific epidemic with man made drugs ruining and killing thousands of people.

With Kratom being a plant, no one can patent it. Could this be the reason because there’s no the financial incentive?

[amazon_link asins=’1544691858,153716032X,B00N2A4NK8′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’planconq-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’c5ee16bc-bc5b-11e7-8cba-3bde1a0db5f5′]



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